First United Methodist Church
Plymouth, Indiana

Welcome to Our Church
Worship with Us at FUMC

Luke didn’t have to mention the decree in his story. None of the other Gospel writers mention it. But Luke is also the author of Acts, which introduces us to Paul, who ultimately travels to Rome and establishes a church there. The Gospel of Luke has a purpose, and one of those purposes is to show us that it is possible to live a life of faith within the restraints of a powerful and authoritative government.
At this point, I know, it’s easy and perhaps fair to protest that while God may indeed know our needs, certainly many – far too many! – needs go unmet in this world. But I wonder: is the poverty that characterizes too much of our world caused by God not providing enough resources or is it a result of too many of us hoarding and misusing these resources because we are dominated by a sense of scarcity and inadequacy?
Today’s scripture reminds us that interpretation of the law has always been difficult for humanity. We have never been of one mind. However, if we filter our interactions through the lens of love, it is possible to arrive at a consensus. What we put into the world is part of the ongoing creation of the world.

Upcoming Events

Advent - 2024 

"On the Way to Bethlehem"

December 1st, 2024
1st Sunday of Advent - "Hope: A Place of Longing"

December 8th, 2024          
2nd Sunday of Advent - "PEACE: A Place of Waiting"

December 11th, 2024        
Brass Quintet from the South Bend  Symphony

December 15th, 2024        
3rd Sunday Of Advent - "JOY: Have You Heard the Word?"

December 21st, 2024        
Longest Night Service - "A Place of Simplicity"

December 22nd, 2024       
4th Sunday of Advent - "Love: A Place of Humility"

December 24th, 2024        
Christmas Eve - "The Manger: A Place of Care"

December 29th, 2024        
Sunday after Christmas - "A Place of Return"    


Weekly Bible Verse

"God is my Refuge and my Strength." -  Psalm 46:1-3

Daily Devotions

May the Lord who made heaven and earth, the Christ who lived and died for all, and the Spirit who renews our minds and hearts abide with you and all God’s people, now and forever. Amen.

Our Ministries

Our programs and services for adults allow us to enjoy fellowship and worship together. The First United Methodist Church also has several groups for adults and Bible Studies throughout the week.
We offer several fun and unique programs and activities that children and youth love! From our fun Sunday School to exciting community events, we have everything your child needs to grow with God.
Music impacts everyone. The First United Methodist Church provides a wonderful ministry through music. Please visit our church on Sunday and experience the glorious and vibrant sounds.