First United Methodist Church
Plymouth, Indiana

Welcome to Our Church
Worship with Us at FUMC

This is where Psalm 23 comes in. As I mentioned earlier, it is the Psalm that we often turn to when we seek comfort, especially during stressful and difficult times. But here’s a question: Did you ever notice that most of the anger we experience is over things we don’t control?
In each case, the devil’s goal is to make him doubt that he is enough, that he is secure, or that he is worthy of God’s love. And in the face of these temptations, we see Jesus quoting the sacred story of Israel in order to assert that he is a part of that story and therefore reaffirms his identity as a child of God. Rooted in the Scriptures, Jesus is reminded not only that he has enough and is enough but also that he is of infinite worth in the eyes of God.
Think about what happens when you take a child to see a natural wonder for the first time. Imagine the look on their face when they see the Grand Canyon, or Niagara Falls or a Redwood tree! The first time I took Rowynn to see the ocean, I saw that look on my daughter’s face. Since I wasn’t walking backwards with a camera, I had to capture that moment of joy up here in my memory and in my heart, where it will be forever imprinted, but unfortunately, I don’t have a picture to show you.

Upcoming Events

Weekly Bible Verse

"God is my Refuge and my Strength." -  Psalm 46:1-3

Daily Devotions

May the Lord who made heaven and earth, the Christ who lived and died for all, and the Spirit who renews our minds and hearts abide with you and all God’s people, now and forever. Amen.

Our Ministries

Our programs and services for adults allow us to enjoy fellowship and worship together. The First United Methodist Church also has several groups for adults and Bible Studies throughout the week.
We offer several fun and unique programs and activities that children and youth love! From our fun Sunday School to exciting community events, we have everything your child needs to grow with God.
Music impacts everyone. The First United Methodist Church provides a wonderful ministry through music. Please visit our church on Sunday and experience the glorious and vibrant sounds.